Monday, April 11, 2011

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COPALA 5 x 5-in Bachajon in Barcelona

Barcelona involved the so-called Movement for Justice in the district of NY, to add voices and actions defense and for freedom of the 5 prisoners of San Sebastian tseltales Bachajón, Chiapas.

2 On Saturday afternoon, at the CSO "The very fat", we saw and heard from fellow Bachajón via video messages that were sent to the networks. After a discussion and debate on the global context of harassment and violence in Chiapas in which these arrests are given, the attendees write postcards to be done to reach the 5 prisoners.

On Sunday 3 in the morning the brave the team participated in a popular race in the city that had over 60,000 participants. Under the slogan of going to the pace of the slowest to arrive all together, reached the finish with bandannas and T-shirts demanding the release of political prisoners.

Today, Tuesday, June 5, we have approached the Consulate of Mexico in Barcelona to get them a letter demanding the release of the 5 partners and cessation of harassment.

In the confidence that all acts that are made these days in the world cross the oceans and make the community feel the winds Bachajón Tseltal of solidarity that are the true word

From Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMexicanxs resistance, support group the coastal area and people caring individual.


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