On 3 February were arbitrarily detained 117 ejidatarios, Tzeltal Indians of San Sebastian Bachajon, Municipality of Chilo, Chiapas.
Detainees, adherents to the Other Campaign, noted that among the irregularities in the process did not have legal counsel or qualified interpreter, they were also threatened and harassed by state police and prosecutors.
's arrest occurred while the ejidatarios were gathered, at the height of the entrance to the waterfalls of Agua Azul, agreeing on the answer that would give the state government for offering to initiate a dialogue between the parties was when State police made mass arrests, persecuting those who sought refuge in the homes of locals.
next day, February 4, began the interrogation and presentation of evidence, made them test rhodizonate sodium and were forced to give urine samples for drug testing, during the process reported that at no time were assisted by counsel, and assisted by qualified interpreters according to their language and culture.
The stories say that during the receipt of ministerial statements, received threats from state police and harassment of civil servants responsible for law enforcement. According
, at approximately 02:00 hrs., On 5 February, the Attorney General of the State of Chiapas released to 107 ejidatarios and 20:00 pm the same day, were recorded 10 people - including a minor - the Criminal Court of Playas de Catazaja and transferred to the National Centre for Social Reinsertion of Sentenced No. 17 (CERSS No. 17) in the municipality of Playas de Catazaja, Chiapas, on charges homicide, attempted murder, attacks against the peace and bodily integrity and heritage of the State, under the criminal case No. 39/2011.
days later, 5 of the remaining prisoners were freed in prison 5 ejido ejido of San Sebastian Bachajon.
face these very serious violations of human rights and the ejido of San Sebastian Bachajon, adherents to the Other Campaign defending their territory and a right to prior and informed consultation, we urge the authorities of this country and to the court for:
1. The immediate release of Jeronimo Guzman Mendez Alvaro Domingo Pérez, Domingo García Gómez, Juan Aguilar Guzman and Mariano Silvano Demeza.
2. A serious, comprehensive and truthfulness of the events of February 2 as well as a serious and thorough investigation and to punish the officials responsible for enforcement and administration of justice in Chiapas that contributed to acts that violate rights human.
3. Respecting the exercise of the right to the territory of indigenous peoples, who are performing the ejido and communal farmers of San Sebastian Bachajón adherents to the Other Campaign.
4. The cessation of harassment and aggression towards indigenous communities, social activists and human rights defenders.
5. Respect for human rights of persons and peoples.
To sign the letter just have to fill in your details on the following link (it is recommended not to send more than one letter per person). English
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