Friday, April 29, 2011

Purple Highlights In Brown Hair

BACHAJON 5, and a year of action

Action at the Consulate of Mexico in Barcelona by prisoners of Bachajón and the anniversary of the murder of Betty Love and Jyri Jaakkola.

Today, April 27, we gathered in front of the Consulate of Mexico in Barcelona to remember and to demand justice for two separate two peoples, two fights with the same desire: freedom, justice and respect for the rights of peoples. These demands, unfortunately, too many corners shouting in the country, today the focus in Chiapas and Oaxaca, in response to global efforts by the five prisoners in San Sebastian Bachajon and the anniversary of the assassination of Trujillo and Jyri Betty Honey Jakkola, while participating in the humanitarian convoy to San Juan Copala.

In the street outside the gates of the consulate, two silhouettes on the floor included the unpunished murder of Betty and Jyri; with them the photographs give a face and a name to these dead. Also the portrait of the 5 ejidatarios Bachajón, 5 detained unjustly, they are now serving 83 days in jail.

During leafleting action and informed the people who had access to the consulate and the passersby. In parallel

delivered a letter to the consul. It explained the two cases within the general framework and harassment of impunity prevailing in the two states and by appealing to the official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, urging them to act accordingly.

The letter calls for:
  • the immediate and unconditional release of political prisoners 5 Bachajon
  • a thorough investigation resulting in criminal liability waiver for the murders of Betty Honey Trujillo and Jiri Jakkola
  • demilitarization of territories and dismantling of paramilitary groups.
  • cessation of harassment and assault to communities, social activists and human rights defenders
  • respect for the rights of individuals and peoples

resistance Mexicanxs in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSupport Group for the coastal area and private individuals


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