Sunday, March 27, 2011

Two Different Color Eye Scholarship


were small blue lines crawling on their legs. Then they widened. They looked like varicose veins, but clearly were not. It was a furious blue, owner of a peculiar brightness, which further highlighted the sunlight.
hid his legs, being careful not show them anywhere. But at the same time, the thick frames arrived and went belly up to the shoulders. Looked in the mirror upset and worried. It took little
expand by arms, hold hands and wrap fingers. And immediately, went through his neck and settled on his face.
not hurt, they were not, but they were there. His appearance was not normal, a typical person. It was a monstrosity, replete with blue lines around the body.
When she went out she was completely covered, wearing gloves, masks and hood. By discovering one morning that their language was also marks, even stopped talking.
took refuge in the ostracism, avoiding all contact. Occasionally looked out the window to see outside. Purchases made by telephone and was paying by card, and avoided contact with those brought him orders.
succumbed to loneliness, sadness. Soon the thoughts shot in gloomy ideas. Its resistance to leaving the house was his death sentence. Ill with pneumonia and gave up going to a doctor. Preferred treatment irrational suffering.
agonized in silence and just to be sure of impending death, gave notice to a friend, in a farewell without consolation.
They found him on the bed, the body damaged by disease symptoms. His pale skin reflected the months of confinement, an attitude that no one ever understood. The questions went to his soul. Neither
no one knew that the blue lines were only in your mind, how everything bad that sometimes we want to see.


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