Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Little Tikes Country Cottage Playhouse

Legend has not yet been written, a scary future.
of land inhabited only by men across the great ocean, all female.
has this legend that men and women for centuries remained separate and that no records were last specimens of both species had been together. It is even rumored that the existence of one or the other, was a lie. Some men thought that women and some women, that of men.
women's appearance was a mystery to man. Who had mentioned they had two faces, others said they spoke singing, instead of carrying two flames burning eyes, which grew their hair bright colors and that his hands were longer. Among women, he imagined the man's body twice as large, with four mammary glands, three legs, hair all over his body and a harpoon in the back. No book of the past
had survived the eras of reconstruction. No memory had survived from generation to generation. Each
performing their tasks, working the land, sowing and raising crops feeding animals, making fishing. There was nothing else. In the future, technology is not theirs. But despite this, they were happy in each side of the ocean. The wars and disputes did not exist. Hatred and resentment were terms unknown.
I harvested was produced, consumed and a portion was used for the jaws of the giant sea, the common God worshiped both sides. Offerings thrown in a huge pipe, scattered in different parts of the coast from north to south, from one side or the other.
This legend does not end there, speaks of a third continent. A submerged lands in the deep ocean, ruled by intelligent androids that had to serve women and men thinking skills greater than that of those who inhabited the area. With the offerings abroad, they were fed. And these, in turn, worked in artificial insemination for procreation of the race and the survival of mankind.
select children to one side and the other girls. Those whose powers were greater, were left under water. And then, on dates outside the celebrated and religious, with great festivities, sent by those huge tubes reward for their work. And the men welcomed their children and women to their children. And in that future
creepy, the world kept turning, as usual.


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