Wednesday, March 30, 2011

How To Read Product Dimensions Amazon

We mortals, we are very different from them. Perhaps the key is knowledge of death itself, knowing that however long the road, always holds for a final a "we are here." Then, knowing that life is defined by the mortality of our bodies, we do - I think - more strong, smart and clever.
is true that the interaction is absent, them on one hand, we on the other. We despise and do not hesitate to persecute or hurt. So avoid them, but not hide. There is no reason to do so, this is our planet for millions of years.
But it would be better off without them. Its existence keeps us allies, facing the same side to protect us, to feel secure. Should they leave again to the stars, cross eyes, detest what once detested and would overturn our fears of others, spreading violence around us. Because that is our nature.
know we're close, where to live, but do not invade. Battles occur when we cross the imaginary lines have been drawn. When we feel intrusive, repel us. Often the risk is necessary to reach a river, a grow-or a distant colony.
can not say that we live in fear, because we know that we do not wake up one morning missiles from the sky. In that respect, life has become somewhat monotonous. But when we neglect in the walk, we can make it chaotic. And we do not go good standing of the fighting.
At this stage of existence and knowing To our knowledge, we realize that we are a primitive race. The fact of death is shown. But what we are, what we cling. So we know that we are very different, even better. Because we appreciate what they do not, because otherwise we feel with our hearts beating fast. We know we have a mortal life to enjoy things. They have eternity. And in the eternal beauty lacks luster. Tomorrow
depart a group of twenty people to the mountains, crossing the small river that separates us from five colonies friends. Will cross zones. We'll watch, watching us each other as if we were a single person. Faced with the danger and imminence of the end, always are. As a group, as a race. Tomorrow will face death again.
But we will come for sure. Because we are different, we are better. Because our hearts beat in unison. First

Monday, March 28, 2011

How To Get Chocolate Syrup Out Of Carpet

Europe: Fiscal Crisis or External? HEGEMONY

By Matias Vernengo

With regard to the European crisis is central to the different opinions of the authors and conservative progressive, the issue of causation of the crisis as fiscal or external. While causation is a thorny issue, the evidence can illuminate empirical question. The following chart (Fig. 1) shows the evolution of unit labor costs in Germany, and the group of peripheral countries, sometimes referred to by its acronym (PIIGS), which were affected by the crisis, or are close to this position .
This shows that while the German unit labor costs remain essentially constant, increasing only 6 percent in all other countries the increases were about more than 30 percent. This translates into a significant real appreciation of the real exchange rate at the periphery of Europe.

conventions of the euro as opposing currency depreciation to offset nominal wage growth in the periphery in relation to German wages. In addition, there are few mechanisms for large fiscal transfers to compensate for the loss of competitiveness associated with lower production in countries with higher costs.
In fact, regional disparities in the EU is very clear (Figure 2). With the exception of Portugal, who had a current account deficit of over 6 percent when the euro was created, all other countries were essentially about a balance in its external accounts. In the first part of the decade the current account of all countries, with the exception of Italy, deteriorated significantly, while Germany's external position was strengthened. In other words, it seems quite reasonable to believe that unit labor costs hit the external performance of European economies, and that the common currency was critical to this outcome.

addition, Figure 3 shows that fiscal balances deteriorate significantly only after the crisis in 2007. Fiscal balances were more or less stable, and in some cases were clearly positive, as is the case of Ireland and to a lesser extent in Spain. In all cases, the deficit is carried out only after the recession has already occurred. It seems quite clear that the fiscal surplus was not in the heart of the European crisis. In fact, when we look at debt as a proportion of GDP (Figure 4), it is clear that the debt remained relatively constant or declining in all cases, without exception, until the crisis of 2007-8. Only then will the public debt levels are increasing at a significant pace.

evidence against a fiscal crisis is so clear that it is somewhat surprising that the academic and political debate is fundamentally about whether the Stability and Growth Pact should be strengthened or should be implemented a new deal to promote fiscal centralization supra-national level. In fact, according to Charles Wyplosz only two views on how to resolve the crisis: the German perspective, which involves a reform of the euro zone's stability and Growth Pact (SGP), and institutional point of view alternative to which Wyplosz undersigned agree that a reform of EU institutions is needed to impose fiscal discipline on the institutions of sovereign nations, and that a revised GSP would be doomed to failure.
Please note that the effort of fiscal centralization is seen as a necessary step toward strict fiscal adjustment, not to reduce problems related to the common currency, as the promotion of fiscal transfers to struggling economies.

In fact, the letters of intent from the two countries have already negotiated with the EU and the IMF clearly accept the idea that fiscal adjustment is essential, even in front of a recession. Greece is committed to a 40 percent reduction of its deficit in one year, while Ireland suggests that it will reduce its deficit to 9 percent of GDP to less than 3 years. In both cases, recovery is expected to come from the external sector, which must mean that there is an expectation that deflation will do the job of increasing external competitiveness.
These developments do not bode well for the future of European recovery for the euro, and therefore the world economy, which will be adversely affected by a slow recovery in Europe.

Original: Triple Crisis

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Two Different Color Eye Scholarship


were small blue lines crawling on their legs. Then they widened. They looked like varicose veins, but clearly were not. It was a furious blue, owner of a peculiar brightness, which further highlighted the sunlight.
hid his legs, being careful not show them anywhere. But at the same time, the thick frames arrived and went belly up to the shoulders. Looked in the mirror upset and worried. It took little
expand by arms, hold hands and wrap fingers. And immediately, went through his neck and settled on his face.
not hurt, they were not, but they were there. His appearance was not normal, a typical person. It was a monstrosity, replete with blue lines around the body.
When she went out she was completely covered, wearing gloves, masks and hood. By discovering one morning that their language was also marks, even stopped talking.
took refuge in the ostracism, avoiding all contact. Occasionally looked out the window to see outside. Purchases made by telephone and was paying by card, and avoided contact with those brought him orders.
succumbed to loneliness, sadness. Soon the thoughts shot in gloomy ideas. Its resistance to leaving the house was his death sentence. Ill with pneumonia and gave up going to a doctor. Preferred treatment irrational suffering.
agonized in silence and just to be sure of impending death, gave notice to a friend, in a farewell without consolation.
They found him on the bed, the body damaged by disease symptoms. His pale skin reflected the months of confinement, an attitude that no one ever understood. The questions went to his soul. Neither
no one knew that the blue lines were only in your mind, how everything bad that sometimes we want to see.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Unique Bridal Shower Themes

Prisoner Lanzini, the lover

Sitting in his usual chair in the bar of the old Almada, the youngest of Lanzini weighed his glass of red wine, with the dream of lovers. Is that Christian, a young heart was awake.
Women were the center of his life. He loved the beauty that captivated his senses enveloped could not imagine life without them. But for that very reason, almost like a curse, I could not help falling in love.
That prevented him from among other things, maintain a relationship. While women gave everything he had at hand, could not help looking with favor on the other and not only that, in many cases, trying date them.
It was a simple fever, no, I really felt love for every woman who crosses his path. However, the true evil of Lanzini boy was almost unconscious submission to which was exposed. Provided
not look bad or arguing with the woman on duty, even not to contradict or to please, Cristian agreed to taste that it did not sympathetic to ideas he did not know and even railed against ideals that never heard about.
is so hated the government, then defended it to death, wore the shirt to Independent and then change it to that of Boca, River, Newells, Columbus, among many others, proved the squid rings, seafood is intoxicated knowing he was allergic, stepped aside because he became vegan meats, then reinstated, but left aside the flour, cooked, it opted to deliverys food, drink much alcohol, was abstemious , smoked, hated smoking, smoked marijuana, he tattooed a rose, learned to drive, took out a loan, sold the car, bought a motorcycle, he joined Greenpeace, became the Communist Party, failed to vote on Election Day , went to concerts of crooner made pogo punk festivals, danced until dawn at dance parties, opposed to abortion, refused to xenophobes, left for teachers, condemned the countryside, bought acres, signed petitions in favor of abortion, took to walking dogs, changing diapers of nephews others, agreed to marry, bought alliances, agreed that marriage was a loss time, supported by feminists, including some examples of the land on which gave way, many of them, very marshy.
was so long since held this weakness against women, no longer remembered his own thoughts or views on any topic, could not even be sure for which team really sympathetic or perhaps, if he liked football.
But I could not stop it. His heart was demanding. Could not afford a bitterness. They came and went, but all lived in there, at the rhythmic beat, hopelessly infatuated.
no longer had the wine glass. He sighed. How beautiful they were, yes. He looked out the window and his eyes met a beautiful brunette. There was no time to lose. The kid Lanzini left a note under the glass and hit the streets, looking lost and his heart in his hand.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How To Make A Pepper Costume

For José Luis Fiori

The weekend trip of Obama's family to Brazil, will go down in history as a tourist event Rio de Janeiro, and an international goodness, had it not coincided with the nuclear disaster in Japan, and the start of the aerial bombardment of Libya. In particular, because the U.S. decision to attack the North African countries, was taken in Brazil, just before the dinner that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted a U.S. delegation This decision served to remind all those in a hurry, the U.S. remain the only world power with "right" to decide - anywhere, anytime - with the possibility of an immediate military intervention in any conflict around the world. A timely reminder, since it has become commonplace in the media and academia - left and right - talk about the decline of American power, while there is an accumulation of evidence otherwise.
After 1991, especially after the end of the Soviet Union, Europe is no longer the center of gravity of the international system, which was across the Atlantic. And at the same time, the U.S. became the "head" of a new type of "global power." A colonial empire is not, has no formal structure, and has flexible boundaries that are defined in each case, ultimately, by the U.S. naval power and financial and from the beginning of the century, U.S. face the contradictions, problems, and the trepidation caused by this transition and the change of status: the status of "hegemon", restricted to the capitalist world until the early , 1980, the status of global imperial power "Today, it is impossible to predict how it will be administered this new kind of empire in the future. Because they still are national and they have to live at the same time with nearly two hundred states that are or are considered sovereign. And because in this system, the expansion of American power is primarily responsible for the multiplication of its competitors in the struggle for regional hegemony in the global system.
What we are seeing now is a change in the administration of U.S. global power This process is in full swing, but it will be long and complicated, involving divisions and struggles within and outside the company and the U.S. establishment Even so, most likely at the end of this process, the United States take a more distant and "arbitration" with respect to their former partners, and in all geopolitical regions of the world. Encourage internal divisions and the "regional balance" of power, playing his own allies, against one another by intervening directly and ultimately, according to the classical model of the British Empire.
This new type of U.S. imperial power does not exclude the possibility of war or military failures located, as in Iraq or Afghanistan, or the possibility of financial crises like the 2008. These financial crises not change the international economic hierarchy, as the government and the U.S. capital can pass their costs to other economic powers in the system. And wars or military failures still not be localized importance while not threaten U.S. naval supremacy in all oceans and seas, and until they escalate to a "hegemonic war" could limit U.S. military supremacy.

Anyway, it is clear that this new imperial power is not absolute and will not last forever. As noted, its continued expansion creates and strengthens the powers concurrent jurisdiction, and destabilizes and destroys the "balance" and institutions created by the U.S. itself, stimulating the formation of "coalitions of regional power" that eventually will slowly dismembering his imperial power, like the Roman Empire. Moreover, the engineering of new economic world shifted the center of capitalist accumulation and transforming China into an economy with a power of gravity almost equal to that of the United States. This new geo-capitalist economy, intensified international competition, and has already started a run imperialist "increasingly intense in Africa and South America, increasing the probability and the number of localized conflicts between the great powers.

addition , U.S. imperial power is likely to face a chronic lack of legitimacy within the U.S., because of the diversity and complexity of national ethnic minorities, and civilization of the empire, is absolutely incompatible with the protection and preservation of any system of values universal, contrary to what you dream a good portion of American society.

Anyway, the Obama family trip to the tropics, and the rhetoric easy and pleasant to the U.S. president, will serve to demonstrate how it works in practice, the "treatment of equals" when one of the parties is an empire. Matthias

Company Anniversary Speeches

No more dialogue with the poor Government Bad Government

Chiapas Coast March 21, 2011.

To the Other Campaign National and international.
to the Good Government of the EZLN.
The Sixth Commission of the EZLN. Free Media
A National and International Communication. Organizations
A Down and Left.
A Human Rights Organizations State, National and International Networks
A, Groups and Groups:


These weeks have been living surrounded by governments, prosecutors, attorneys, police, fake lawyers, intelligence services to the extent that the landscape was no landscape if not present. Things as well.

We thank all those who have made possible the freedom of all our companions, free and alternative media, the efforts of communities to not falter despite the wear to which we were subjected to the national and international aid that has been present in the form of statements and deeds. A human rights institutions, particularly the Human Rights Center Digna Ochoa for their support and assistance in all our struggles and claims process.

Center Digna Ochoa Human Rights has played a mediating role between the demands of a more dignified life with schools, roads, health, enrrocamiento rivers, light fair price .... They thought that killing the messenger, would end the problem but has been shown that it is not, but on the contrary, we feel stronger, we have grown into determination.

We stress that we have no agreement with the government, just claims and demands, we have not signed any pact of governance, because governance is only given when there is social justice and we are very far from that reality and say that our struggle is just and worthy.

we join and we have demonstrated on many occasions with the struggles and organizations of the State of Chiapas and Mexico, seeking a change from the bottom and left each with their own ways and their times, seeking a different future where decisions are of those who suffer, not from who we are imposed.

We also tell the government that there will be no desk, dialogue or talk, because DO NOT BELIEVE IN HIS WORDS , full of lies, no one will speak on behalf of the Regional Autonomous Council Area Chiapas coast, continue to demand the demands of the communities written and will continue to mobilize if these are not met.

still the threat of new arrest warrants, are attacking the Director of the Center for Human Rights put in jail, that's not going to change our struggle, if they want social peace and governance, just enough for the following:





· RESPECT Zapatista communities.


also want to say that our leader unborn and called the future. And then they are going to raise awareness so that they know well who have to attack and imprison.

Regional Autonomous Council of the Coastal Zone of Chiapas

Monday, March 21, 2011

Recent Researcg On Ramipril

The man who did not believe the Martians in the dark colors

Torres Gómez, double name, trademark goatee and sports to pitch. I drank in the bar on weekends bowling and playing golf in the country from Monday to Friday. Did not work, did not missing. The father owned half the town and lived belly up.
not mixed with lower social classes considered, ie not running a late model car or at least imported. Anyway treated them as their cleaning staff belonging to these strata. And his caddy on the golf course as well.
One night market again to buy a top quality supplier in the north, the car stopped in the middle of the road suddenly. The engine was turned off, the radio went dead and the lights went dark lenses.
- fuck it, is a Lamborghini! Would have gone with the Alfa Romeo, I shit on this car sucks! - Shouted angry while hitting the steering wheel.
wanted to use your cell phone, but had no signal. When looked at his gold watch, Rolex, and to his surprise, he was detained. Recently there
suspected that something was strange. She immediately thought of a kidnapping attempt. He turned his head in all directions, hoping to bump into another car or running to the Lamborghini offenders. But there was nobody on the road. Was relieved, but at that moment something hit the roof. Or at least, I imagined the sound.
was about to get off, but the windshield noticed something very strange. The horizon down. Miró the windows and realized that was rising. "We were kidnapped from above? He tried the door anyway, but it was locked.
Then the night turned into day. A blinding light pierced through the glass, forcing him to cover his eyes. At the same time heard a strange hum. I could not deny it, I was scared.
When the light subsided, and not his car was floating through the air. He was in an enclosure of metal walls. The door was still unable to open. A melody began to play out. Very soft tones, delicate, her eyelids became heavy and unavoidably, he slept.
The horn of a truck that passed almost touching the Lamborghini woke him up. A shiver ran through her body. Outside the night was closed, listening to radio is a modern hip hop and his watch - the talking - given the time it should be. He started the engine of the car and there was no trouble starting it.
What had happened? With your foot on the accelerator, ran the mile that separated him from his home in minutes. Throughout the journey did not stop thinking about what had happened. Fragments had strange flashes of memory, as the vehicle to be rising, having reached an enclosed ...
Arriving at the gated entrance where he lived, stopped his car, for security personnel lift the barriers. His head was still processing the events, so it took to realize that at the port where it should be on guard, and there was no light was off.
When he did, left the vehicle and walked up to it. Slammed the door plate, with no luck. Then leaned out the window. Zack! A face appeared on the other side of the glass, slammed into it! Torres Gomez fell scared, falling on his ass. The door burst open and four legs to be amorphous and semi-human face rushed out towards him.
tried to go back and sit as was, with sore hip from the fall. His arms made the effort to take away, but that thing was almost over. A one meter could see how it opened his mouth and he could see three rows of sharp teeth very well dripping slime and blood. But he could see only a second because then jumped on him ...
The horn of a truck threw him back against the Lamborghini. The cargo was lost in the distance, but still remained frozen. I was sweating. Literally felt wet shirt. Also his pants. I was trembling with fear. What happened? What was happening? Was there anything dreamed a monster ... or a kidnapping ...? His head ached, he felt dizzy and needed to vomit.
Lamborghini opened the door and ran to the shoulder. He knelt and bowed his head, just enough to throw up on the weed. Behind felt pass another truck, which also sounded the horn.
- Damn! They can stop doing that! - Shouted his mouth still pasty and the sour taste of bile invading the senses.
He patted his pockets. The drug was still there. I had hardly eaten in days. I could not blame her for what was happening. The sound of your car's engine forced him to turn and look at the route. Froze. The amorphous was believed to be a nightmare at the wheel. But it was all well above the Lamborghini, a kind of spacecraft on the car threw a bright light and began to raise it in the air.
After the initial shock, unable to break the paralysis. First it was a step, then another. Finally he ran to his car. But midway, he was startled by a loud speaker. Barely had time to look to the right, where the headlights of a giant truck were almost upon him ...

cropped grass. A small ball goes through the final meters and is close to the hole. Dances around the perimeter of it and finally falls, with the smoothness of Pen.
A couple are left to hear applause in the field. Just observed that pilgrimage to the ball and then just note that has a bag of golf clubs in hand. Looks up the players and recognizes her father, and next ... Could not be! Is. Y. .. and is beckoning to where you are now standing with golf clubs. But ...
Looks feet, clothing, hands, and not recognized. It is the caddy! Remember lights, a monster, other lamps, but can not remember the exact order. Also a loud, sharp, and then nothing. Is calling, the young with the same aspect is calling. Note in his eyes a sinister complicity. Something beyond incomprehensible. He calls with a simple gesture with his fingers and he winks. And at the exact moment that his father was coming forward, giving back, Torres Gomez put him equal horizontal forearm, elbow flexed and the fist in the air and making the gesture of a truck playing his horn stringed rises and falls twice as represented.
And with that gesture, the madness that knows no social strata, decided to settle in the mind astray, no longer recognized if in fact something of everything that had happened or had never ceased to happen.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Ikusa Otome Suvia Online

is not the darkness we fear, but to not recognize what surrounds us, something familiar. Felicia knew that when least expected it, unintentionally.
From his years happy, are barely memories. Just because many have vanished like the sun on a cloudy day. Instead, the accident, kept every sensation, pain and anguish. His six months
hospitalized were an ordeal. The rest of his life after high hell. Before that, was a renowned painter. Not internationally, but in his province. He lived on his paintings and had plans to become known to other parties. Arguably
the future, then, was promising. However, fate was cruel to her. The night I was blind, was in a luxurious hotel room, lying in bed after making love to his representative.
In the cell phone had a couple of messages from her husband, more calmly, would answer in the morning. Never knew the exact moment that triggered the events, just saw a flash coming from the bathroom, where he was Michael, his partner that night. Then, the flames took over the place.
jumped out of bed and without even thinking about getting dressed, ran to the door. The fire took the walls and at the same time she did, she reached the wooden door.
Felicia's naked body suddenly felt the heat of combustion. He wanted to cover his face, but his hands were wrapped in flames and all that logró, fue expandir el fuego. Cayó al suelo, tosiendo y gimiendo de dolor.
Despertó en el hospital, tres días después. Apenas si podía moverse. Tenía gran parte del cuerpo con vendas especiales y su estado era delicado, no obstante, todos estaban esperanzados. Sus ojos también estaban vendados.
Su marido apareció una sola vez, para decirle que la dejaba, que la policía le había dicho del cuerpo que habían encontrado calcinado en el baño y que a ella la habían encontrado desnuda. No era tonto para atar los cabos sueltos.
Cada vez que preguntaba cuando le sacarían las vendas al menos de la cara, para poder ver, las respuestas eran vagas. Comenzó a temer. La oscuridad se he was eternal. She missed the light, the blank canvas, your criteria for choosing the colors to flow your ideas.
He realized then that his life were the colors. Permanent blackness was terrifying. He feared that it was espace on their memories and everything was so awful in that tone that only the night could dress well and thank the stars contributing their brilliance in the right place.
The truth came three weeks. He was one of her sisters when the doctors left to hide what they knew, inevitable. At last, after all, have to live with it the rest of his days. The flames had left her blind. Felicia
received the news as if it had been a stake through the heart. The first few days felt there was no reason to go forward. His mind tortured relentlessly. His body, still unable to move, became a martyr. It was like being dead at the scene, motionless, unable to see. A statue blind and quiet.
I did not want you take out the bands. He did not care. His condition was indescribable. He wondered what would, how could paint. How to combine colors, and draw the landscape, the faces he loved to draw. Where it would be for the blue sky, the red of passion, yellow daisies. The colors, for it had ceased to exist. But could it? Could the color of a sudden, and not to be?
His mind had become an extension of the fire. But there was no fire, but ashes. Because the all-encompassing blackness. Starting from the pain.
After six months she was released. Still had trouble moving, but could hold onto a stick and wander through the house, now wider, since her husband left her. A nurse was with her all day and another at night. But she was an entity.
Her sister had brought paintings and paintings and arranged so that she could identify the colors, in the order had told him. Felicia only managed to mourn. How could think that knowing where they were the colors, would be able to create something with them? The light was everything, without it, nothing was worth it.
The woman was fading by the day. He refused to attend each visit came home and told to throw away all canvas paintings that were in the house.
One night woke with a start. His ears had picked up sounds in the hallway, like steps. Called by name to the nurse, but did not respond. He stood with skill, feeling carefully, as he had learned to do in recent months. Progressed in the usual and dark. However, on reaching the hall, struck a light. I saw! Could be true?
She peered into the hallway and at the other end a blank canvas waiting for her. He walked quickly and took the brushes were on the floor. Had all her favorite colors. Do not hesitate, if it was a miracle, should use it. I saw and could paint. Then he drew.
A hand touched his shoulder, but was ignored. The hand pressed harder, and then woke up without understanding what happened.
- Felicia - "the nurse said - are the five, you take your pill.
He touched his hands, looking for traces of paint, but there was nothing. Broke to mourn. His eyes open not show him nothing but the eternal night without stars that both the burdened. It had been a dream. A cruel dream.
took the pill and he could not go back to sleep. It had been so real that for a moment believed in miracles. Sobbed until another nurse brought him breakfast, hours later. Once
served coffee with cookies, his voice friendly and attentive, she asked him two things. The first, if you wanted something else, such as orange juice. The second, if I could hang on the wall that picture was so pretty down the hall.
For the second question, Felicia did not answer.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What Is The Strongest Wood Bat

again Stop the Human Rights Center Director Digna Ochoa

CARZCH reproduce the statement on the arrest of colleague Nathaniel Hernandez

Chiapas Coast, 15 March 2011.

A civil society in Mexico and the world.

Al decent people of Chiapas.

To our sisters and brothers Zapatistas.

To our comrades s s of the Other Campaign and the Zezta Internazional.

A tod @ sl @ s fighting for another world.

A Human Rights Organizations, State and National Non-Governmental.

to the social, political, national and international networks.

Support Group at the Coastal Zone Gazco-Barcelona.

Today March 15, the companion Nathaniel Hernandez Nunez was in the city of Tapachula, Chiapas, working as always and their efforts to defend human rights monitoring as director of the Center Digna Ochoa Human Rights, in this case was with community partners. According to the information you have gathered throughout the day, were arrested 4 colleagues from approximately 2 pm, the partner remained in the city by finding out the status of colleagues detainees. Is at 8 pm, apparently was released the warrant federal attack on roads that remained in abeyance since 2010, which order was executed with the speed that the government only when social activists human rights defenders involved.

The partner has a valid defense, was defending the partner community partners, the partner had been arrested along with 18 companions by the government of Chiapas for 8 days last February 22, were freed by mobilization and solidarity of many people around the world.

We knew that the fellow was in sight, it was known that it wanted to stop in their work, they knew that fight for human rights is a crime, to fight for a dignified life in this country and the state of Chiapas is a crime against the great economic and political interests. We are ready to fight, we are on alert, fail to stop our work.

is now the federal government who insists on stopping to mate, will not stop fighting for the freedom of the partner. We ask everyone s s the comrades who helped us, stand by for more information and the call to action by fellow freedom Nathaniel Hernandez Núñez and fellow detainees.

For now, we are preparing for tomorrow mobilize to Tapachula, where the Federal Government maintains the stupidity of holding co.

Our demonstrations and work is a fair rate of electric light, self-determination of peoples and the Autonomy, the release of political prisoners in the State of Chiapas. Respect and cessation of attacks against adherents to the Other Campaign and the Zapatista communities.

immediate release of all prisoners Chiapas political .¡¡¡¡¡

immediate end to government repression against the Chiapas Human Rights Defenders ¡¡¡¡¡
Zapatista communities Respect! !
Trials Mitzitón paramilitary

Bachajón Respect people

respect to self-determination of peoples Autonomy and ¡¡¡¡¡



Page of advice: http://consejoautonomo.

Cool Urbanoutfitters Like Quilts


The old Smith was known as "Chuck." So she had been given the usual nickname patrons of the bar of a forgotten suburb of the city, hairy arms, as do the sleeves rolled left and the red nose, although this was almost a feature of all in one place.
One night with several rounds of beers over, confessed to killing the woman. Of course nobody believed him. In the old Elvira, sullen and little given to people in the area, saw her every afternoon sweeping the sidewalk and from time to time, shaking the carpets.
- When che? When you kill her? - Someone asked.
- been so long since lost count - said with his mouth to one side.
Since then, cross the street, no one who does not yell "goodbye baboon murderer. "Of course, laughs the old Smith and the other. In the neighborhood, that is like a joke and even smaller scare the promise to" call the mandrel murderer. "
Smith yet Although he laughed, he never say a word about it. The women of the block were sure what was said, had reached the ears of Elvira and so, or had reprimanded or, threatened to denounce the police. It was likely, they said, at least, they would have acted that way.
was also true, on the other hand, never saw them together. For many, that defined the relationship. Reason for the old spent hours in the bar and wife, hours cooped up indoors.

"Chuck" was silly, but it was alcohol. Screwed up that night, but, arguably, was unharmed. If you thought it was the best facade. "Twenty years? That amazing how time passed. If they had children, would not have been so easy. Elvira luckily was not very sociable.
not cost him anything to get one of the old and horrific full-length dresses who in life was his wife, a wig, a pair of earrings, get a good shave and go sweep the sidewalk for several minutes or, grab a stick and hit him about five minutes on the carpets in the house, in view of all. Twenty years
as usual. For some time the consortium bag buried in the back of the courtyard should contain only bones. And fortunately, nobody was interested. Not confessing he had believed.
always been easy and now more. Walk the streets like everyone else, exposing the ignorance of the rest. He is respectful and kind when sober and almost ends asleep when drunk.
He has not talk about it. But if you ask for "Chuck, how you killed your contat jermu" he responds politely, "I will not go around the bush" and with elegance, returned again to his drink.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

What Is The Most Lightweight Metal

Costumes Looking ocean

The suit was heat, soaked from head to toe, but could not remove it. It was part of his costume work in the Brasserie "Mr. Chicken." Its function was to represent certain Mr Chicken, with a costume that included feathers and beak.
Located in the heart, its presence was almost a classic since the place had opened six months ago. From mid-morning until after noon, walked within a radius of five blocks, handing out leaflets on trade, with a nice logo on the top.
had to endure all kinds of jokes that eventually learned to tolerate. But there was a boy who had no mercy with him. During the summer months, his absence had been a relief. With the return of the classes, the ordeal had come to start.
The boy not only yelling things, but had a habit of throwing against his figure, dashing from one side or from behind, taking him by surprise. With the excuse "oh, I did not see" would run, while laughing heartily, like his classmates, who accompanied him on the "funny" adventure.
For more to put out the front of the premises at the time that I knew, out of school, children looking for him. More than once he nearly hit him, but was contained at the last minute. Nor could insult or throw anything that came handy. For more than he wished, he could not. Surely it would throw the job and needed more than ever.
had been lucky to give it six months ago when he was fired from her administrative job at a major employer in the city. Of course it was a pleasure to fulfill that role, but it assured him the money to support his family.
trying to think of that when he succeeded these unpleasant facts. Especially with the child, who directed him not a word, or even reprimanded. I could not. He came home
ground, tired from walking and even more, morally destroyed by those jokes that he spent and the attitudes of the child. But when you get home, everything magically disappeared.
His wife received a big hug and a kiss on the mouth, he asked with interest, if she had done well in the office, unaware that he had thrown half a year before and told him he already had prepared the dinner.
then breaks down the stairs, got to go around the waist with a hug, his son, who filled her with kisses. That boy was so beautiful that it was the same as every afternoon after school to hit him and told him to humiliate him completely outrageous. How cruel was fate! But she loved him. And yet, he could not say anything. Because then the image of the quiet that hung over the home would collapse in the same way you did it, dressed in that suit hot and ridiculous, every afternoon after being hit by his own son.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Dark Purple Line Inner Thigh


Vernengo * Introduction

Like Chile, which was ruled by the center-left coalition twenty years after the fall of Pinochet, Brazil, in the last sixteen years has been driven by the left of center parties Fernando Henrique Cardoso and Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Dilma Rousseff The assumption ensures the continuity of the left parties of the center for four years. However, contrary to the Chilean experience, in which the Christian Democrats and Socialists, the main political parties in opposition to the dictatorship, they formed a coalition in Brazil's two main parties, the Social Democracy Party of Brazil (PSDB) and the Workers' Party (PT) have been political rivals.

Political differences between the two main political parties in Brazil, which traces its origins to the left of center groups in São Paulo, which long resisted the Brazilian military dictatorship (1964-85), do not translate into significant differences terms of macroeconomic stability. The pillars of macroeconomic policy has been the use of the exchange rate as an instrument to combat inflation, which has not changed with the implementation of inflation targeting since 1999, and maintenance of primary surpluses, but in the second half of the Lula government, especially after the global crisis of 2008-9, was pursued a counter-cyclical fiscal policy. Perhaps the most distinctive feature of the administration of the Workers Party, compared with the previous one, is the expansion of social programs and the minimum wage, and the resulting improvement in income distribution.

The rest of the paper is divided into three parts. The first, a look of economic performance from Lula's first term, with emphasis on the main features of the macroeconomic policy framework. The next section deals with social and development programs distribution of income. The last section analysis of what to expect from the third party within the worker in charge of the Brazilian administration.

"locomotive or caboose?

Since an economist at Goldman Sachs suggested that Brazil, along with Russia, India and China, was part of a panel of economies, the BRIC countries, which would take care of global GDP by mid-century, Brazil's economic performance has been feted in the international media. The perception, however, in Brazil as one of the locomotives of world economy growth in the XXI century is peculiar, at least. During the long period of time associated with the state-led development strategies, roughly from late 1940 to around 1980, Brazil grew at an average of 7.5 percent per year. The debt crisis led to the so-called lost decade, implying growth rates, on average, 1.5 percent, which was much better than for the rest of Latin America during this period. The stabilization period, combined with Fernando Henrique Cardoso as finance minister and president, covering 1993 to 2002, was associated with a small recovery in economic growth rates by 2.8%. It should be noted that as of late 1980, a major liberalization in the context of the doctrine of the Washington Consensus has been implemented in Brazil. In this regard, many economic analysts believe the election of Lula announced an investment in the development strategy, which could reverse some of the liberalization policies of the previous decade. As it turned out that the break with past policies was considerably less marked than expected, and in many ways, the Lula administration represents a continuation of the liberalizing policies of the 1990's. Economic performance, measured by real GDP growth, showed an improvement, with a growth rate of 4.1 percent per year on average, but this was a global phenomenon. Brazil also rose slightly above the world average of about 3.4 percent, well below the countries leading the growth in Asia and Latin America. In other words, the Brazilian economy was not leading the world economy in terms of growth, and far from the vision perceived as one of the most dynamic economies in the world. To view the entire document, see here

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Little Tikes Country Cottage Playhouse

Legend has not yet been written, a scary future.
of land inhabited only by men across the great ocean, all female.
has this legend that men and women for centuries remained separate and that no records were last specimens of both species had been together. It is even rumored that the existence of one or the other, was a lie. Some men thought that women and some women, that of men.
women's appearance was a mystery to man. Who had mentioned they had two faces, others said they spoke singing, instead of carrying two flames burning eyes, which grew their hair bright colors and that his hands were longer. Among women, he imagined the man's body twice as large, with four mammary glands, three legs, hair all over his body and a harpoon in the back. No book of the past
had survived the eras of reconstruction. No memory had survived from generation to generation. Each
performing their tasks, working the land, sowing and raising crops feeding animals, making fishing. There was nothing else. In the future, technology is not theirs. But despite this, they were happy in each side of the ocean. The wars and disputes did not exist. Hatred and resentment were terms unknown.
I harvested was produced, consumed and a portion was used for the jaws of the giant sea, the common God worshiped both sides. Offerings thrown in a huge pipe, scattered in different parts of the coast from north to south, from one side or the other.
This legend does not end there, speaks of a third continent. A submerged lands in the deep ocean, ruled by intelligent androids that had to serve women and men thinking skills greater than that of those who inhabited the area. With the offerings abroad, they were fed. And these, in turn, worked in artificial insemination for procreation of the race and the survival of mankind.
select children to one side and the other girls. Those whose powers were greater, were left under water. And then, on dates outside the celebrated and religious, with great festivities, sent by those huge tubes reward for their work. And the men welcomed their children and women to their children. And in that future
creepy, the world kept turning, as usual.

Katesplayground Uncensored



Barcelona, \u200b\u200b7 and 8 March 2011,

Within the call to the World Day for the Release of Political Prisoners and Bachajón San Sebastian International Day in honor of Women of the Other Campaign, various social organizations in Barcelona and private individuals made a series of actions complaint during the 7th and 8th March.

Monday 7 is informational picketing at various locations in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwith a journey that began by announcing that "Mexico is at war with his people" and ended with "no blood +." A beginning and an end desirable in the way required for some of the basic demands to the governments of Juan Sabines in Chiapas and Felipe Calderon in Mexico.

Today Mars unit participated in the rally called by different social organizations in Barcelona for a day of working women. With a banner reading: "Long live the resistance of women in Mexico and the World", the number of women in solidarity with the Other Campaign recognizes the struggle of everyday companions who build a fairer and more decent.

reporting activities continue demanding:

• the immediate release without charge of people wrongfully detained.

• Cease the harassment and assault to communities, social activists and human rights defenders

• Respect the rights of individuals and peoples

Group Area Support


coast in Resistance

and private individuals

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Solaraze Gel What Is For


World Day for the Release of Political Prisoners San Sebastian Bachajón

From Barcelona we join the global call to repudiate the war that the Mexican government carries out against his people.
Stop the aggression, no more violations of the rights of individuals and peoples, enough of impunity! Freedom
to political prisoners in Chiapas and throughout the country. Freedom for political prisoners in San Sebastian Bachajon!

Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMarch 7, 2011,

Group Area Support Mexicanxs
coast in Resistance
and private individuals

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Can Cervix Be Very Soft A Day Before Period?

The smell of death

The smell, the sense that delights us as much as we are disgusted. I can not imagine the world without being able to appreciate the rich fragrances, scents mundane, the smell of the street, neighborhood and even every home. Because everyone has their own that makes it mystical and unique. But I'm not an expert on the subject, just know because I've read, I have been concerned to learn a little more of this power of partnering with our nose to the brain. In the same way we catalog with the eye, almost unconscious way, linking an object with a term, we do so with smells.
Although, I must admit, sometimes that memory is fallible, because the smell despite the strength with which penetrates our minds, we sometimes resembles another. Perhaps you could explain to us what happens to some faces, that they confuse us with others. The aromas behave similarly fluctuate in our memories and if you do not feel it continuously, is likely to lose the relationship we had done at some point in our head. I could not say the same for the sounds, which we define more precisely in that swarm of electrical impulses that make up our brain.
But I would say if they confess anything, likely to reject emphatically. Something out of all reason, all thought proper, if indeed they exist. Well I must, I must share it to drives me insane.
Working in a market, a big one. I repositor, I take care of replacing the goods going missing being on the shelves or displays. Commonly'm sitting watching TV or listening to music in the tank, when I do not charge any other work, and call me in speaking to go to a particular sector to replace a product on time. Was doing my homework I noticed it first.
aroma was sour, not bitter, but a roughness such that reminded me a bad apple, but it had been washed with a touch of over-ripe sweet orange. I think that smells can have textures. Some so mild that they appear as firm strokes and other that feel like to hit full in the face.
remember I was standing between the milk and jams. I looked around for something broken on the floor, because I used to go, someone accidentally dropped a bottle or container and this was done thousand pieces on the floor and remained there until he saw an employee. But there was nothing out of place. Even the milk in refrigerated display cases that smell emanating could be so special.
To me, choosing between several brands of skim milk, was an old woman. Did not mean to be impertinent, but I went to sniff. Without realizing it, of course. Because I felt that the smell was coming from it ... And so it was! That scent repulsive, I froze the skin, came from the elderly woman. I thought that perhaps he had urinated or had some other need not put up with until you get home, but more to assess these possibilities, in my mind did not associate the smell. Arrange
products should be replenished and I retired to the tank. Five minutes later, the comings and goings of some employees caught my eye and went back into the market. From the back door leading into the tank, I could see through the window of the front lights of the ambulance parked on the street. Two paramedics were in the cleaning aisle, around a person lying on the floor. They seemed to work frantically to save his life. I got scared. Someone was dying a few feet from where I was. But even knowing that, I went as if drawn by an unknown morbidity in me.
I went much as I could from where I stood, I could see well the person who was dying. It was the old lady who had this foul smell. His head was turned toward me. And I could see, in panic, the gap behind his eyes. Were second only because he soon died. The paramedics insisted for two minutes, but nothing was done. I knew immediately when I smelled it passing me by and away, until finally disappear.
not slept in several nights. What had smelled in the end? I did not know, but I dread to think. I wanted to forget the episode, but then being at home with my girlfriend, that fragrance again rob me. It was like a hammer blow came suddenly. I turned pale to the point that Analía, my girlfriend asked me what was wrong. I managed to ask if I felt good. She laughed. I announced that I had to go. I could not be a second longer in the house, but when I stood up, as she took me by the arm and was wondering what was happening, we feel a cry coming from the bathroom. It was his father. We came running, the moment that collapsed few seconds after having clung to the shower door.
infarction. Such unexpected and lethal. Fulminante. The body fell heavily and ran to lift Analía. I stayed in place, still. I knew there was nothing left to do. The smell had gone through my side and had gone out the window. My girlfriend and I was yelling at me standing there like an idiot, knowing that lay beside his father. But how to explain that he knew he was dead? How?
Last week I was on the subway and suddenly the smell flooded my mind. I was asleep and that woke me up. First I thought it was a dream, but when you open your eyes, look around and sniff the air, I felt present. It was sickening, much stronger. Was steeped in my nose so I thought I would be sick. I wanted to ask what was missing for the next season because the coach wanted to get out and when we felt the explosion. The shake-fired us all forward. I remember the shock, the darkness, shouting, crying ... I remember everything, so vivid, so creepy. Just when I hurt my leg. I was lucky. Seven people died, one before me.
At night I curl but I can not sleep. I'm on medical leave, but I will not return to work. I do not even go outside. I have fear, horror, of running into that smell again. I am sure that sooner or later happen to me. I think if it happens, I will lose what little sanity I have left. It is the smell of death, but who can believe, who will stop to listen to a survivor of an accident so severe.
My girlfriend left me after that tragic episode in her home. My mind is no longer the same, with this knowledge. Do not let my parents come, and my brothers. And when the department is only sometimes I have strange ideas, here locked in my room. Ideas about killing me, on escape from this world ... and then, almost like a ghost, that smell comes as a guest cruel and heartless. Then forced me to think about other things and the smell disappears. But
I fear that one day no longer go.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

My Dog Sister Doujins


Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMarch 2, 2011


Yesterday afternoon several members of social organizations in Barcelona and private individuals made a complaint to the act of aggression that are the subject peoples and communities in the Mexican states of Chiapas and Oaxaca. The recent arrest of three lawyers from the center of Tonala Digna Ochoa Human Rights as well as acts of violence in communities and Bachajón Mitzitón are an example of the failures to "respect for social peace and human rights" to argue be priority for the Chiapas governor Juan Sabines and President Felipe Calderon.

As a parallel event to the opening of the exhibition paintings "Changes in Oaxaca, supported by the Consulate of Mexico in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bat the entrance were" Other variations of Oaxaca, which is usually hidden from the media and do not reach the public interested in Mexican culture. Small placards and a pamphlet that was given to visitors which explained how a land in Oaxaca is culturally rich as "torture, repress and harass" the people, recalling the unpunished murders of Betty Honey, Jyry Jaakola or Brad Will and attacks by paramilitary groups in communities like San Juan Copala.

Through these actions are intended to invite for reflection and commitment of artists to the situation of violence against indigenous and peasant communities of Mexico, which many designers are nurtured intellectually.

At the same time are a direct demand to the Consulate of Mexico in Barcelona to extend this concern to the appropriate authorities of your country, to curb the escalating violence and repression that has been exerting particularly in Chiapas and Oaxaca, without forget the rest of the country.

therefore continue reporting activities requiring:

· The immediate release without charge of those unjustly detained.

· Cessation of harassment and assault to communities, social activists and human rights defenders

· Respect the rights of individuals and peoples.

We want to show our appreciation for the release of the three lawyers from the Center of Digna Ochoa Human Rights, unjustly detained in the prison of Amate, hours after the conclusion the act.

http://laotraindependencia. /

What Color Tie And Shirt Goes With Grey Suit

Thanks to TOD @ S. Peers are FREE. Delivery

(the blog

"Today March 2, shortly before the end of the legal deadline to issue warrant of arrest or probation, were freed fellow human rights defenders Nathaniel Hernandez Nunez, Eduardo Alonso Martínez Silva Silva and José María Martínez Cruz, kidnapped by the government of Chiapas since 22 February.


support s many comrades who signed, spoke, organized activities and were outstanding.

Al CARZCCH their strong fighting spirit and dignity.

Thanks ... but there is much work yet. "

Gazco Des joy of liberation, thank you very much those of us who wrote and supported by the signatures of thousands of people through the CARZC, being, to be.

Here we


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Black Areas On An Lcd Screen

Barcelona Consulate Firms contacted

This morning, March 1, has been delivered to the Consulate General of Mexico in Barcelona's release was published these days, "Given the escalating violence in Chiapas. Three human rights defenders imprisoned for doing their job, which signed dozens of organizations and private individuals worldwide.
It denounced the escalation of violence and repression that is taking place in the State of Chiapas in recent days, stressing in particular the arrest and imprisonment of three lawyers from the Center of Digna Ochoa Human Rights Tonala, a fact which seems extremely serious because the arrest occurred when they were doing their work as advocates for human rights violations. The delivery
wish to express our concern about events like these and ask that you extend to the relevant official authorities of your country, especially the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Minister Patricia Espinosa.
Through the delivery of the statement and ask them to act accordingly to the words of yesterday morning had the same secretary to the Council of the UN Human Rights when he realized "national efforts to protect the human rights of all population to eradicate impunity for violations of these "and recalled" Mexico's call to focus on dialogue with all political forces to meet the demands of its people. " Support Group
the Coastal Zone
Barcelona, \u200b\u200bFebruary 29, 2011