The strange boots clattered on the flagstones of the cathedral. Ismael's father looked up at the sound and feel like the light that enters the window, it had retreated into the darkness.
front of the door stood a giant of at least two meters. He could not say it was only a tall man, at least the priest could not. The person I was before their eyes, if ever was one, was tall and wide, like a mole, thick arms, chest and face rugged stone. His legs seemed about to explode under the cloth of his trousers.
was then, that going down the view, notice the shoes. Red boots, almost crimson. Seemed to be covered with goo. If the eyes had not deceived him, thought he saw that the color was even moving, like small worms crawl undulating surface.
took a giant step forward. The priest stumbled over his own feet and fell back. I was scared. Had fallen facing the altar. The image of Christ on the cross seemed strong from that position, but I knew it would not be enough to scare off that being, if it decided to attack.
More steps, more hits on the ground. Each tread shook the ground and shook his heart, bringing to the brink of a heart attack. He closed his eyes, as a defensive reflex. The big man was still far away, but the panic had taken over his body and mind. I did not know the reason, had not been threatened, but was sure it was going to attack.
The clatter was raising the volume, the strength of each step became larger. She felt his presence without opening his eyes. I was at his feet, knew it was there. Afraid to open them and find that son of Himalaya to devour. He began to moan in anguish. First it was a babbling, single words and then articulated. Finally, a cry for forgiveness.
- Sorry! By God! Oh my God! Have you sent for me to redeem my sins? Please lord who art in heaven, have mercy on me. I have sinned! I know! I have sinned by lust! I have sinned by greed! These girls ... Oh God, that this mountain does not crash on me!
- Father Ismael. What is all that you say? How he has sinned by lust ... - The voice of Mrs. Parker, a devout Christian and president of the cooperative partnership of the church even more surprised that a giant stamp.
eyes widened with fear that still latent presence. But looking around, was on the floor, the only company Liliana Parker. The face of the old inquisitor was enough to know what would happen. Had confessed to most of the bill. Did not have time for women to turn and return down the aisle. He stood up swiftly and ran after her. No tried to explain anything. With the silver rosary cooperative itself had given him for his last birthday, surrounded his neck, to take it down.
closed the front door and took the body to a private cemetery, behind the cathedral. He was about to forget the rosary wrapped around the woman, now lying at the bottom of freshly dug pit. Transpired, the priest took it and pocketed it. He covered the pit and went to bathe. Only when he brought the rosary to clean it, he realized he was covered with a viscous substance, and actually crimson, curled due to the worms.
This time the heart could not resist.
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