Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Milf Mean Mother In Love

Tony Aspromourgos: Sraffa's System in relation to some main currents in unorthodox economics

International Conference Sraffa's Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities 1960-2010.
2nd-4th December 2010, Roma Tre University, Faculty of Economics


Comments, Ciccone

Paper Abstract

If one asks the question - how is the theoretical system in the production of Sraffa's Production of Commodities by Commodity regarding the scope and content of the economy as a whole? - The answer, at one level, it seems clear half a century later. The book reconstructs a new coherence at least one essential element of classical economics, and the same system, the theory implies a critique of the marginalist approach to the theory of functional income distribution, and hence also the focus of supply and demand commodity prices and quantities.
While there appears to be intractable problems to capture the relationship of Sraffa's book with orthodoxy, what is your relationship with other streams of heterodox economics? The two most important currents of thought are the economy Marxist and post-Keynesian economics.
The significance of Sraffa's book for the first was discussed considerably in the decades immediately after its publication. The focus here is therefore to post-Keynesian economics, a fundamental aspect refers to the theory of functional income distribution, the relationship between Sraffa system and Marxism also be considered.
Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to consider the relationship between the approach based on certain elements of economic theory implied or implicit in Sraffa's book and the current post-Keynesian heterodox economics in particular. The three sections of the document have successively in price theory, income distribution and levels of activity and growth.


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