Perception, reality and reflection
floated in the air, covering the space sailing gently in the breeze that rose from the west, falling at times, raising others, carried away by wind waves ...
It's amazing how the mere sight of something so simple, everyday can lead to a feeling of so much inner peace and communion with the entire universe, if uno se encuentra en el estado de ánimo adecuado para ello. Sin duda esto último es la pieza clave que propicia el ser capaces de afrontar cada momento de la vida de un modo u otro, y por lo tanto lo que hace que nuestra realidad sea una u otra, o lo que es lo mismo a nivel práctico, nuestra percepción de la realidad.
Puede parecer un pensamiento propio de un relativista, y probablemente es cierto... desde cierto punto de vista, de alguien a quien siempre le ha costado creer en los absolutos y abarcar con su limitada capacidad los grandes conceptos abstractos de la vida. Quizá de ahí provenga la tendencia a analizarlo todo, disgregarlo en partes y diseccionarlo hasta que el entendimiento es capaz de asimilar cada una de ellas y, apartir de ahí, ir poco a poco entendiendo el conjunto hasta lograr, con suerte, un entendimiento mínimamente aceptable del todo.
También hay quien no cree en ese análisis, sino en la percepción que recibe del todo, quien no se molesta en entender y se mueve en función de lo que percibe de la totalidad, de la impresión que se recibe del conjunto, quien no siente la necesidad de entender y se limita a comprender la impresión del conjunto y reaccionar sin pensar demasiado en lo que la provoca, no la cuestionan sino que la aceptan como lo que es y es porque lo perciben de ese modo y, apartir de ahí, de algo tan subjetivo como la propia percepción individual, incorporan lo percibido to their personal reality turning it into truth.
feel the truth. It is certainly important to consider not only our perception of the world, whether understood or understood, but also the response of our feelings about it. The reality of our feelings is as certain as it awakens us and, not having encuenta is to give to understand how reality becomes our reality, leading each individual to distinguish their reality from the rest, as they do not only the capacity of understanding of it determines the perception of each other, but also is determined by the different feelings that each of us awake. The funny thing is that it is this understanding that awakens our feelings, so that every time we understand something else too, feel more.
this may seem an Aristotelian model of truth, based on experience that everyone has it, and would be well were it not for the differentiation between reality and personal reality that is being done. This distinction certainly makes us think of a Platonic model in which things are what they are, and our perception of them a shadow on the wall of the cave. And would certainly not be because it's reality which is clearly defined, which determines patterns of action, which ultimately matters and counts. It may seem chaotic, a model Platonic Aristotelian where experience has a preponderant value, a cave with no shadows where everyone has a mirror, where nobody is able to perceive the truth of things, but a reflection of them as the mirror before everyone has a clear picture and crisp but also reflected distorted, while no one picks up as in the cave the true essence of what he sees. No one is upset about the essence.
In a world like this the only way to understand reality is to understand the nature of the mirror to see it. Knowing the shape, concave or convex, the entire surface of the mirror is the only thing that can make us able to correctly interpret what we see. In the self-understanding is therefore where it begins to understand the reality around us.
People no longer reflects. Too rushed, too much pressure and lack of discretion. The world needs a break, take a breath, close your eyes and think. The world will not stop, so it is up to each one making the decision to stop a moment and wonder also, slowly and carefully, to reflect, think and acquire the criterion by which to break free from chains to us tax, do not tighten strings except those who question and think, not seen as the personal approach is conditional on the group, collective consciousness that we try to impose as behavior accepted by all and not questioned by anyone.
Some other questions and it does not agree, what do you do?
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