Friday, August 29, 2008

Basket Ball Gyms For Rent In San Antonio

I found another poem with which I can identify in some way, this time Yeats "Men improve with age" is called, a name that reflects this irony as British themselves;

I'm tired of dreams
A marble triton, worn by weather
the streams;
And all day long I look
The beauty of this lady
As though I had found in a book
A pictured beauty, Pleased
have filled the eyes Or
discerning ears,
Delighted to be but wise,
For men improve with age;
But still, still,
Is this my dream, or the truth?
Oh, how I wish that we had met
When I had my burning youth!
But I grow old among dreams,
A marble triton, worn by weather
the streams.

I also feel old among dreams, I'd also be somewhat younger, only 9 years old, yet I do not feel satisfied even less wise.

But mostly I'm tired, I feel exhausted to dream, dreams broken weighed and drag me to the back of my mind inexorably, need a break, relax myself, forget and reinvent entire somewhere else, where you have no time to dream, to live I deal all day.

now is what comes to me day and night, the dream of the place where you can find some peace. I keep dreaming, time passes, and I am a little older every day.

What To Do If Confirmation Id For Us Visa Lost

Reading Byron

Lately I'm reading the English classics, just know them so that resulting largely to my discovery. Today I focused my reading on "When we parted" by Lord Byron, you have it here;

When we parted in silence and tears,
with half-broken heart,
to depart for years,
your cheek turned pale and cold and your kiss
colder ... The hour

indeed predicted all this pain.

The morning dew slipped

cold on my brow and I was like an ad
of what I feel now. Your

oaths are broken and your fame is already very fragile when I hear your name

share in its shame.

When you named before me,
a knell
comes to my ear and a shiver shakes me.
Why I loved you so? Those
well known do not know that I met you:
For long, long time I will have to repent

you so deeply, I can not express

In secret we met, and silent

I regret that your heart can forget
and spirit deceive.

If I should meet thee after long years
how should I greet?
With silence and tears!

I liked, despite not fully share the sentiments of the author, but to some extent I felt in tune with what was stated. Silent separations, with or without tears in the middle, the distance and the cold ... I admit, but I do not share the shame and repentance, even if the disappointment and shivering (the longing) that the following two verses express. The last one almost completely agree, although I would not talk about cheating in any case. Read

others as much as writing does not relieve yourself, but sometimes it is enough to make you reflect, apart from what have read, and checked yourself.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Digital Playground Free Stream

My Quiet

Usually people consider me a quiet person, some people use the word "rope", personally I think everyone is crazy to some extent, in its way, only those whose madness locked exits excessively on the standard.

As they say (always for something) looks can be deceiving, I'm a very nervous person, the mistake usually occurs because although I feel I can control my nerves. It may seem the same, but it is not far from the calm person does not need to strive to be, my case is different, to me it takes effort. People do not know how burns inside them when they seem so unmoved and calm, the lap that I can give head to a situation in which dizziness soon! deciding to finish second.

In this say I look like my father, apparently we are both able to discuss speaking, Maybe I learned from him over the years but have known better. There are people crying, some even throw dishes or whatever you have at hand, the latter have told me but I confess that I find impossible to understand. To me someone throwing things scare me, do not think I could discuss anything with someone who is throwing an object in his hand, before it would calm him down. Everyone reacts differently. The truth is that I hardly discuss with anyone, people are exasperated to see that do not go crazy and it aborts the discussion, most of the time making conversation, at other times, when someone is unable to move from discussion to conversation, release the he has to say and flee because they see that they entered the cloth.

Quiet, calm and confident ... Anxious, nervous y. .. Are you sure?, Not sure, the truth is to analyze and decide is better than me take the decision into practice. I do not remember where I read that there are two types of people in the world, feelings and act and think and feel, both types of persons are incomplete. I'm not exactly agree, I think we all feel, think and act, the difference is as we do every one of those things. No doubt we all feel, except in cases of psychopathic personality, about the same extent, what sets us apart is mostly to the extent that everyone think and act. I certainly am of the opinion, sometimes too much, bad thing as it makes me think what lost while others are already doing. Sometimes I wish I did not think so much, but then I meet people who laments the contrary, for not thinking are suffering the consequences and lamenting. The balance is perfect, in spite of which each is as it is in its imperfection, and however much one might want to change, there comes a time when it is difficult to stop being who you are. It is always possible, but it is not reasonable to expect major changes. We can only accept ourselves as we are and show us and the world.
or controlled, sane or insane follow occasionally whispering.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Installing Battery For Pop Up Camper


When two people have been united to the point of confessing to each other so that no one else has said, when the relationship was intimate enough to know what you think the other, needless to say, there are things to be respected. Even after that, for circumstances that do not come to mind, the relationship ends, in my view at least some explanation is needed on both sides. Limiting the number of the disappearance is cruel enough addition to the one who does not know why there is no longer the other person. It keeps you on tenterhooks, waiting ver si en algún momento da señales de vida, preocupado porque puede haber pasado... ¿estará bien? no, definitivamente esta no es forma de hacer las cosas.

Corresponde sentarse, hablar de ello, aclarar la situación y si es menester en último lugar la despedida. Todo ciclo que se abre debe también cerrarse llegado su final, si se mantiene abierto... inacabado... no permite abrir otro nuevo y continuar viviendo al margen del cerrado.

Necesito un final, cerrar un ciclo que a todas luces parece ya acabado para continuar adelante y poder dar por fin lo vivido por pasado.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Matreshka Callling Card

Indecision Disappointments

La falta de decisión y el no hacer nada es en ocasiones tan perjudicial como tomar la decisión equivocada and act. Can sometimes be even worse and more frustrating errors due to the inaction that caused the act and wrong, because everyone makes mistakes ... except that it does nothing.

People are used to forgive but when there is nothing to forgive, there is no reconciliation possible. I begin to think it is better to give a false step and fell headlong into the ground to stay standing. If you fall get up and try again stand to take the plunge, learning and improving with each drop. However, if one sits and does not try to step out of fear of blow that can be known ... if ... not suffer the fall, but neither will have the opportunity to stand up and not walk in life.

There are things in life you have to learn to hit, so it's a mistake to focus on the pain of what might happen endeavor, we must overcome fear and take the longest view, being able to see the target and keep in mind even when the soil is inexorably closer to the front. The blow hurt and we regret, but should focus on that pain and energy to redouble efforts to achieve the goal, never forget that only a misstep that will help us get what we want.

I hope I remember these words when the time comes to risk and mess up.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Denise Milani Nippleslip

When expectations are not met, and people fails, the disappointment that comes is great, even when these are small things. Whenever something goes ilusón, especially after a long time and nothing excites, and things do not go back waiting for the pessimism comes and threatens to take over the mood of one.

Today I have disappointed and put in a bad mood, I think now I understand the importance of commitment too seriously, require some. Yet and still I have not wavered in the commitment and I managed to do what he had already proposed. Things have not gone as expected, but at least they came.

I'm not happy, but having gone ahead I'm not angry, just disappointed.

The things do not always go as you want, you have to accept, is only possible to get to and work to achieve it.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

High Frequency Facial Treatment

Up and down

Strange how people affect us, as situations, words can arouse feelings and see that something is changing within us, and after a while, not knowing what caused that to happen, we are going day waiting to see that person, talk to her and having her around.

do not know how happened, but it happened, I can not deny what I felt and now HOWEVER, within four months of absence so long already, despite the knot in my stomach still present, I feel in the distance as something bearable, after having been gone through the anguish of having lost what we had.

A word, a gesture, and I volunteered to deliver it again to relive the agony of feeling pass, in an instant, the tallest mountain in the same hell.

And to think that he had never risen so high ... not fallen ...

Monday, August 18, 2008

Halloween Costume Molar Tooth

Perception, reality and reflection

floated in the air, covering the space sailing gently in the breeze that rose from the west, falling at times, raising others, carried away by wind waves ...

It's amazing how the mere sight of something so simple, everyday can lead to a feeling of so much inner peace and communion with the entire universe, if uno se encuentra en el estado de ánimo adecuado para ello. Sin duda esto último es la pieza clave que propicia el ser capaces de afrontar cada momento de la vida de un modo u otro, y por lo tanto lo que hace que nuestra realidad sea una u otra, o lo que es lo mismo a nivel práctico, nuestra percepción de la realidad.

Puede parecer un pensamiento propio de un relativista, y probablemente es cierto... desde cierto punto de vista, de alguien a quien siempre le ha costado creer en los absolutos y abarcar con su limitada capacidad los grandes conceptos abstractos de la vida. Quizá de ahí provenga la tendencia a analizarlo todo, disgregarlo en partes y diseccionarlo hasta que el entendimiento es capaz de asimilar cada una de ellas y, apartir de ahí, ir poco a poco entendiendo el conjunto hasta lograr, con suerte, un entendimiento mínimamente aceptable del todo.

También hay quien no cree en ese análisis, sino en la percepción que recibe del todo, quien no se molesta en entender y se mueve en función de lo que percibe de la totalidad, de la impresión que se recibe del conjunto, quien no siente la necesidad de entender y se limita a comprender la impresión del conjunto y reaccionar sin pensar demasiado en lo que la provoca, no la cuestionan sino que la aceptan como lo que es y es porque lo perciben de ese modo y, apartir de ahí, de algo tan subjetivo como la propia percepción individual, incorporan lo percibido to their personal reality turning it into truth.

feel the truth. It is certainly important to consider not only our perception of the world, whether understood or understood, but also the response of our feelings about it. The reality of our feelings is as certain as it awakens us and, not having encuenta is to give to understand how reality becomes our reality, leading each individual to distinguish their reality from the rest, as they do not only the capacity of understanding of it determines the perception of each other, but also is determined by the different feelings that each of us awake. The funny thing is that it is this understanding that awakens our feelings, so that every time we understand something else too, feel more.

this may seem an Aristotelian model of truth, based on experience that everyone has it, and would be well were it not for the differentiation between reality and personal reality that is being done. This distinction certainly makes us think of a Platonic model in which things are what they are, and our perception of them a shadow on the wall of the cave. And would certainly not be because it's reality which is clearly defined, which determines patterns of action, which ultimately matters and counts. It may seem chaotic, a model Platonic Aristotelian where experience has a preponderant value, a cave with no shadows where everyone has a mirror, where nobody is able to perceive the truth of things, but a reflection of them as the mirror before everyone has a clear picture and crisp but also reflected distorted, while no one picks up as in the cave the true essence of what he sees. No one is upset about the essence.

In a world like this the only way to understand reality is to understand the nature of the mirror to see it. Knowing the shape, concave or convex, the entire surface of the mirror is the only thing that can make us able to correctly interpret what we see. In the self-understanding is therefore where it begins to understand the reality around us.

People no longer reflects. Too rushed, too much pressure and lack of discretion. The world needs a break, take a breath, close your eyes and think. The world will not stop, so it is up to each one making the decision to stop a moment and wonder also, slowly and carefully, to reflect, think and acquire the criterion by which to break free from chains to us tax, do not tighten strings except those who question and think, not seen as the personal approach is conditional on the group, collective consciousness that we try to impose as behavior accepted by all and not questioned by anyone.

Some other questions and it does not agree, what do you do?

Rapid Response Pregnancy Test Faint Test Line

Welcome, launched today the new experience of writing in this blog, and I say in this blog not because it did elsewhere, but because he was writing. However, until now my whisper, my stories, they remained on paper until it ended up being engulfed in flames, ashes scattered to the wind once released along with the words to express meaning.

Against the advice out there read my intention is to write to me, the "audience" where I hope to have it forgive my lack of consideration and my selfishness. The truth, however, is that no one intended audience, this is just another way to lose my words in the vastness of space, virtual in this case, but this time no fire involved, no ashes, just whispers in the wind, that so many end up maelstrom of digital information as lost as if they had not been delivered.

I apologize in advance for the times when my ability to express not reach and the result is a meaningless galitmatías. It will not happen once, because sometimes the need to release some will be higher than it in an understandable way.

No expectations and no I sought dismissal, hoping that no one dislikes what I write and waiting for criticism, because nothing I like better than me open their eyes to realities I see and learn from the experiences lived by others.